What is Clubhouse?

What is Clubhouse and what does it mean to us as photographers? If you are on any type of social media, then you will probably have heard of the new social media crazy, Clubhouse. Well, what is Clubhouse? In short: Clubhouse is an audio-based social media app. The best way I can describe it is a mix between a live radio, a live TED talk and a podcast, except you can be invited on the virtual stage to ask a question or even host.

When you sign up for the app you will be asked several questions including interests. This helps the app determine what your interests are and what rooms you will potentially be interested in. Once you have entered you will see a calendar where you will be able to see what rooms are currently available, and also you will be able to see future talks and events.


I’ve found Clubhouse to be an incredible space where you can share ideas, converse and talk freely about subjects that you love. In my case, this is landscape photography. What I don’t like about other social media platforms is that you lack the ability to really connect with other artists and your own followers, but Clubhouse really does bridge that gap. Through this app, I have managed to talk and have deep conversations with people that I have looked up to for many years. It puts you on a level playing field and gives you the means to interact like you wouldn’t be able to do by sliding into someones DM’s, if it wasn’t filtered into spam in the first place.

Overall, I feel Clubhouse is an initiative and clever app that will change the face of networking, learning and communication forever.


At the time of writing, Clubhouse is only available for Apple users, but this will be changing shortly. You can only join the app through an invite-only, as the makers want to keep the app as clean as possible and they are doing this through a referral system. The more time you spend on the app, the more trusted you become and the more invites you to receive to send out.

If you would like to check Clubhouse out for yourself, please drop me a message on here or social media and I will ping you an invite (if I have any remaining).

Hopefully we can talk soon…

Tim Monaghan




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