“I urge you; go find vistas, mountains and oceans to swallow you whole. They will save you, in a way nothing else can.”
A short photography tutorial on Seljalandsfoss waterfall in Iceland. You come to Iceland in June not only for the beautiful flowers but also for the stunning light. At this time of year, it doesn't get dark. What does that mean? 6 hours of golden hour.
There were reports of mist, so, I just had to head out to my local woods to see if I could capture it. Woodland photography is super hard. I mean, REALLY hard. Trying to find order out of chaos isn't easy and today showed me that. By the time I found a composition I was happy with, most of the mist had lifted. Here is the image I managed to get.
As the alarm rang at 3:00am, every part of me wanted to remain in my warm toasty bed. The thought of a hard 40 minute hike wasn't doing it for me. As I became more awake and forced my heavy legs out of the duvet, my drive and passion for landscape photography kicked in. I had never been to this location, so I wanted to give myself a good amount of time to find it and scout potential compositions. After a long hike in the dark, just a head torch to guide, I found the location.…. Mupe Bay. It's rocks spreading into the sea like dragons teeth make for the perfect leading lines. All we needed was a great sunrise. Will I get it?
Today I headed to Hengistbury Head to film my first Vlog. It was a pretty dull and grey sunrise, but this is a great lesson in getting close to a subject and not just relying upon great skies. Hopefully, you will find this landscape tutorial interesting.